Job ad_Studentermedarbejder_Finance
Som studentermedarbejder i KLIFO bliver du en del af en international konsulentvirksomhed inden for udvikling af lægemidler. Vi bistår kunder i Europa, USA og Asien med strategisk rådgivning og operationel support.
I KLIFO arbejder du sammen med højt specialiserede eksperter, der sætter pris på at have en fleksibel arbejdsplads. Sammen hjælper vi kunder i life-science industrien med at realisere deres projekter inden for forskellige terapiområder.
Bliv en del af et erfarent og dedikeret team
Vores Finance afdeling, der også omfatter Legal, IT, Facility og HR, søger en dygtig studentermedarbejder med lysten til at supportere de 12 øvrige kollegaer i teamet med ad hoc opgaver ca. 25 timer om ugen.
Du vil indgå i vores Finance team, men du vil også blive kastet ud i en masse spændende opgaver inden for HR, Jura, strategi mv.
Hvem er du?
Vi søger en kvik, struktureret og talstærk kollega, som har lyst til at arbejde på vores hovedkontor i Glostrup, lære en masse nyt mens du hjælper os med en bred vifte af opgaver inden for bl.a. økonomi, administration, jura og HR.
Måske har du ingen studieplaner for de næste 1-2 år eller også går du i overvejelser om, hvad det næste step i dit arbejdsliv skal være og ønsker i den mellemliggende periode at føje lidt nyt til CV’et.
Som studentermedarbejder bidrager du med:
- Gå-på-mod, godt overblik og godt humør
- Flair for tal
- Basale IT færdigheder (resten skal vi nok lære dig)
- God indlæringsevne
- Lysten til at lære nyt
Til gengæld garanterer vi:
Et godt arbejdsklima, gode kollegaer og en varieret hverdag fyldt med spændende arbejdsopgaver i en konsulent virksomhed i rivende udvikling.
Hvorfor arbejde hos KLIFO?
- Bliv en del af en organisation, hvor medarbejderne og deres ekspertise er vores vigtigste aktiv.
- Få en fleksibel arbejdsplads med en kultur, der bygger på tillid, transparens og respekt.
- Arbejd sammen med nogle af de mest erfarne og dedikerede kollegaer inden for life-science.
- Bidrag med din ekspertise på tværs af forskellige terapiområder.
- Vær med til at udvikle skræddersyede løsninger baseret på tværfagligt samarbejde.
- Opbyg gensidigt værdifulde relationer med vores kunder.
- Vær en del af en organisation, der ser vidensdeling som vejen til success.
Send din ansøgning til os på moc.ofilk@boj mærk den “Studentermedarbejder” senest den 20. oktober 2023. Skriv også venligst, hvor du har set dette stillingsopslag. Samtaler afholdes løbende.
Hvis du har spørgsmål til stillingen så kontakt René Pedersen, CFO Finance, Legal & IT på e-mail: moc.ofilk@nesredeP.eneR eller på telefon + 45 44 77 87 92 for mere information.
KLIFO bruger udelukkende din ansøgning og relaterede persondata til håndtering af denne specifikke ansættelsesproces. Al persondata håndteres fortroligt jf. persondataforordningen (GDPR).
Glostrup, Danmark
20. oktober 2023
René Pedersen
CFO, Finance, Legal & IT
+45 44 77 87 92
- 150+ medarbejdere
- Kontorer i Danmark, Sverige, Tyskland og
Holland - Hovedkontor i Glostrup, Danmark
KLIFO er en førende nordeuropæisk konsulentvirksomhed inden for udvikling af lægemidler.
Vi leverer end to end løsninger og samarbejder med virksomheder inden for biotek og pharma på tværs af terapiområder og discipliner. Vi bidrager med både strategisk rådgivning og operationel support.
Senior QA Specialists (GMP or GCP)_12092023
Senior QA Specialists
(GMP or GCP)
Join an international drug development consultancy and contribute with strategic advice and operational support to clients based in Europe, the US and Asia.
At KLIFO, you’ll be part of a highly specialised team of experts who value workplace flexibility and collaborate to help our life-science clients across different therapeutic areas realise their unique projects.
Become part of an experienced and dedicated team
KLIFO Quality Assurance Solutions (QAS) helps manage and ensure the correct level of quality and integrity across every stage of drug development projects and clinical research. KLIFO provides you with a unique combination of interesting and challenging tasks related to our own KLIFO GCP/GMP site in Glostrup and QA specialist tasks for pharmaceutical clients.
In QAS, we are a team of 9 highly specialised experts. We take pride in tailoring our solutions to suit each individual client. We provide practical consulting and operational services related to GMP, GDP, GCP, GLP and GVP to ensure client projects can fulfil the complex regulatory requirements.
In the role as Senior QA Specialist, you’ll contribute by:
- Supporting small pharmaceutical companies/clients with QA support and counselling in developing exciting new products. This may involve working from the client’s site at intervals
- Developing and designing Quality Management Systems for small upcoming pharmaceutical companies
- Acting as QA specialist for our local KLIFO GCP/GMP areas
- Auditing of a wide range of companies, including KLIFO and clients’ suppliers/manufacturers/vendors. Some travelling must be expected
- In periods, working from a client site some days a week
Your background and qualifications
You possess a collaborative mindset and work in a structured way with an eye for detail. You enjoy working independently and conscientiously, and you are not afraid to take responsibility. You are eager to share your knowledge and thrive in a client-focused and supportive role. You are diplomatic and accommodating, and you can motivate and communicate your points of view.
If you apply as a GMP specialist, experience in aseptic preparation and the ability to release biological products is an advantage.
As a GMP specialist, you also have:
- the education qualifying you to become QP/QP Delegate
- experience with pharmaceutical manufacturing
If you apply as GCP specialist solid experience with auditing of clinical trials is required.
Furthermore, all applicants must:
- Possess solid experience with QA work and QMS maintenance within a pharmaceutical company
- Be fluent in English and Danish, both written and spoken
Why join KLIFO?
- Join an organisation where we value people and their expertise as the greatest asset
- Enter a flexible workplace with a culture based on trust, transparency and respect
- Work with some of the most experienced and dedicated colleagues in the life-science industry
- Contribute with your expertise across different therapeutic areas
- Develop tailor-made solutions based on cross-disciplinary collaboration
- Cultivate successful relationships with our clients
- Be part of an organisation that sees knowledge-sharing as the road to success
Share your application
Share your application with us at moc.ofilk@boj marked Senior QA Specialist no later than 9 November 2023. Kindly state how you heard about this position. Interviews will be carried out continuously.
If you have questions about the position, please reach out to Anne Ploug Jørgensen, Senior Director QA, at moc.ofilk@guolp.enna or +45 44 222 982 for more information.
KLIFO processes your application and all related personal data exclusively for the specific hiring process. Your data is processed as confidential information, cf. the current data protection law (GDPR).
KLIFO processes your application and all related personal data exclusively for the specific hiring process. Your data is processed as confidential information, cf. the current data protection law (GDPR).
Glostrup, Denmark
Deadline for application
9 November 2023
Anne Ploug Jørgensen
Senior Director QA
+45 44 222 982
- 150+ employees
- Offices in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and The Netherlands
- Headquarter in Glostrup, Denmark
KLIFO is a leading North-European drug development consultancy with significant experience in partnering with biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
We provide end to end solutions and support our clients with strategic advice and operational support across therapeutic areas and disciplines.
Clinical Supply Logistic Coordinator (Distributionen)
Clinical Supply Logistic Coordinator (Distributionen)
Bliv en del af en international konsulentvirksomhed inden for udvikling af lægemidler og hjælp kunder i Europa, USA og Asien med strategisk rådgivning og operationel support.
I KLIFO arbejder du sammen med højt specialiserede eksperter, der sætter pris på at have en fleksibel arbejdsplads. Sammen hjælper vi kunder i life scienceindustrien med at realisere deres projekter inden for forskellige terapiområder.
Bliv en del af et erfarent og dedikeret team
Vores Distributionsteam, som er en del af vores Clinical Trial Solutions (CTS) består af 13 dedikerede og erfarne medarbejdere der leverer individuelle logistik løsninger for vores kunder i hele verden. Teamet står for planlægning, koordinering, pakning og distribution af medicin til studier, samt varetage relationer til både interne og eksterne kunder.
Som Clinical Supply Logistic Coordinator, bidrager du med:
- Planlægning og distribution af medicin til studier i hele verden
- Opsætning af depot aftaler, samt afklaring af importkrav
- Dialog og samarbejde med kunder og Supply Managers i CTS
- Udarbejdelse af kundespecifikke distributionsopgaver og instruktioner
- Udarbejdelse af forsendelsesdokumentation, forberedelse samt nedpakning af medicin
- Koordinering og booking af transportører
Din baggrund og kvalifikationer
For at du får succes i stillingen, er det vigtigt, at du er proaktiv, struktureret, ansvarsbevidst og kan skabe relationer på tværs af afdelinger, hos kunder og andre interessenter. At du har et positivt mindset og ønsker at bidrage til en kultur præget af tillid og gennemsigtighed.
Derudover har du:
- Erfaring med GMP og GDP
- Kundeserviceminded og gode kommunikationsevner
- Baggrund inden for Pharma, Spedition, logistik eller lignende
- Behersker dansk og engelsk i skrift og tale til arbejdsformål
- Kvalitetsbevidst
- Erfaring med IT
Hvorfor arbejde hos KLIFO?
- Bliv en del af en organisation, hvor medarbejderne og deres ekspertise er vores vigtigste aktiv.
- Få en fleksibel arbejdsplads med en kultur, der bygger på tillid, transparens og respekt.
- Kom til at arbejde sammen med nogle af de mest erfarne og dedikerede kollegaer inden for life science.
- Bidrag med din ekspertise på tværs af forskellige terapiområder.
- Vær med til at udvikle skræddersyede løsninger baseret på tværfagligt samarbejde.
- Opbyg gensidigt værdifulde relationer med vores kunder.
- Vær en del af en organisation, der ser vidensdeling som vejen til succes.
Send din ansøgning til os på moc.ofilk@boj og mærk den Clinical Supply Logistic Coordinator senest den 5. oktober 2023. Skriv også venligst, hvor du har set dette stillingsopslag. Samtaler afholdes løbende.
Hvis du har spørgsmål til stillingen så kontakt Aske Engsbro-Jansson, Director på moc.ofilk@nossnaJ-orbsgnE.eksA eller +45 20 516 880 eller Carsten Lund, Team Manager på moc.ofilk@dnuL.netsraC eller +45 44 222 909.
KLIFO bruger udelukkende din ansøgning og relaterede persondata til håndtering af denne specifikke ansættelsesproces. Al persondata håndteres fortroligt jf. persondataforordningen (GDPR).
Glostrup, Danmark
Clinical Supply Logistic Coordinator, Fuldtid
5 October 2023
Aske Engsbro-Jansson
+45 20 516 880
- 150+ medarbejdere
- Kontorer i Danmark, Sverige, Tyskland og
Holland - Hovedkontor i Glostrup, Danmark
KLIFO er en førende nordeuropæisk konsulent-virksomhed inden for udvikling af lægemidler.
Vi leverer end to end løsninger og samarbejder med virksomheder inden for biotek og pharma på tværs af terapiområder og discipliner. Vi bidrager med både strategisk rådgivning og operationel support.
Join an international drug and device development consultancy contributing with strategic advice and operational support to clients based in Europe, the US and Asia.
At KLIFO, you’ll be part of a highly specialised team of experts who value workplace flexibility and collaborate to help our life-science clients across different therapeutic areas realise their unique projects.
Become part of an experienced and dedicated team
Our Controller team supports our 7 well-established service areas within all relevant financial disciplines in close cooperation with the rest of the Finance team. This includes sparring on financial topics with management, project controlling, monthly reporting, forecast, budgets and invoicing.
In Finance & Admin, we are a team of highly competent colleagues, including 5 controllers, proactively supporting management and project managers navigating the financial landscape within each service area.
You will report directly to the CFO and you will be located at our office in Glostrup together with the rest of the Finance & Admin team.
In the role as Controller, you’ll contribute by:
- Acting as a strong business partner to the service area management and project managers
- Controlling and continously having financial overview of projects and contracts
- Manage monthly invoicing process
- Prepare monthly reporting including analysis, comments and closing process
- Prepare estimates in collaboration with management
- Prepare analysis to support the yearly business plan and budget process
- Financial sanity check of client contracts
- Enable decision-making through Analysis, BI, presentations and xls models
You will also be involved in the development of finance related policies, BI and our upcoming Navision upgrade.
Your background and qualifications:
You possess a collaborative mindset and enjoy working in a structured way with an eye for detail. You thrive just as well with daily hands-on work as with analysis on future business. You want to contribute to a culture of trust and transparency.
Furthermore, you:
- Have experience as Controller preferably in a project-based organisation
- Hold a relevant education such as cand.merc or HD
- Thrive in a growing organisation
- Are able to handle large data sets and complex information and turn this into overviews for decision making
- Are comfortable maintaining a financial overview and communicate clearly with both Finance and Business teams
- Are used to work independently, and come across as a dedicated team player who values collaboration
- Are a strong user of Excel and BI, and have experience with Navision
- Are fluent in Danish and English
Why join KLIFO:
- Join an organisation where we value people and their expertise as our greatest asset
- Enter a flexible workplace with a culture based on trust, transparency and respect
- Work with some of the most experienced and dedicated colleagues in the life-science industry
- Develop tailor-made solutions based on cross-disciplinary collaboration
- Cultivate successful relationships with our clients
- Be part of an organisation that sees knowledge-sharing as the road to success
Share your application:
Share your application with us at moc.ofilk@boj marked “Controller” no later than 18th November 2022. Interviews will be carried out continuously.
If you have questions about the position, please reach out to Pia Riise, CFO at +45 44 222 900 for more information.
KLIFO processes your application and all related personal data exclusively for the specific hiring process. Your data is processed as confidential information, cf. the current data protection law (GDPR).